Cases: Forehead Lift

Facelift Case – 21
This patient came to our Healdsburg office for a consultation with Dr. Jacobs. She asked about a facelift and if it would benefit her. She

Facelift Case – 19
A Healdsburg patient who is interested in facial rejuvenation. She has a tremendous amount of skin in the upper lids hanging on her eyelashes with

Facelift Case – 16
A San Francisco patient who did not like the heaviness in her jowl area. Dr. Jacobs suggested a rhytidectomy, a coronal forehead lift to correct

Facelift case – 11
A 64 year old woman who works in the beauty business in NYC came to Dr. Stanley Jacobs because she wanted to do something special

Facelift case – 9
A healthy 51-year-old gentleman who runs triathalons. He wanted to look more youthful. He did not like the loose, flabby skin of his neck. He

Facelift case – 2
A 57-year-old patient who was referred by another doctor. She lost 100 pounds and, as a result, has a lot of sagging in her facial